Rent-to-Rent 2.0 - Book resources

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Approach Rent-to-Rent the right way.

In this video, I want to touch on a key theme from my book, something that many of you might be getting wrong at the moment. I know there's a lot of confusion out there, with some Rent-to-Renters are going off the beaten path. They seem to think it's okay not to maintain a professional image, not to set up things properly, not to play by the rules, and worst of all, not to be completely honest, open, and transparent with Letting Agents and Landlords.

Watch this video to learn how to take the right approach and operate your Rent-to-Rent business like a professional.

Isn't Rent-to-Rent just subletting?

A question that I answer all the time is, "Is Rent-to-Rent legal?"

People often misunderstand the model and think it's a shady business. For a long time, I've been bombarded with messages asking, "Is this legal? How can you do it within the law?" I've noticed many people getting this all wrong, which leads to trouble and ultimately financial losses.

In this video, I'm going to explain exactly why Rent-to-Rent is perfectly legal, and everything you need to know to get it right. In a nutshell, subletting, which is what Rent-to-Rent essentially is, but subletting isn't inherently illegal. The problem arises when you sign the wrong kind of contract that explicitly forbids subletting.

Viewings + Offers = Deals.

One of my goals for the book was to create straightforward formulas, clear systems, and step-by-step processes that are easy to follow, whether you're an experienced rent-to-rent pro or a newcomer. One of these is the key sourcing formula for finding rent-to-rent deals, and many folks often get this part wrong, which is why they struggle to secure deals.

The formula is pretty straightforward: Viewings + Offers = Deals. Now, you might be thinking, "Well, that sounds simple," but you'd be surprised because I know that many of you spend hours analysing deals from the comfort of your own home but never actually go out to view them.

Watch the video to learn how to fast-track your Rent-to-Rent success.

The Rent-to-Rent investment formula.

When it comes to traditional Rent-to-Rent, the usual talk is about breaking even within around six months. That seems logical, but I've come to realise there's something missing, it's not quite right. You see, not all investments in Rent-to-Rent deals are the same.

So what I've done is come up with a formula that lets you tweak things and make more deals click. Think about it, when your models work, that means more cash flow, and it gets you closer to your goals way faster.

Watch the video to find out my Rent-to-Rent investment formula.

Rent-to-Rent is not just another job.

I wanted to dive into something big in the book – the whole idea of rent-to-rent feeling like another job. The reality is, many people are getting it wrong. If you don't start off on the right foot, set up the systems, and fine-tune everything, mark my words, you'll end up creating a whole new job for yourself.

I've seen so many people jump into Rent-to-Rent, only to bail out pretty quickly because they just can't handle it. Many of you probably have regular jobs, families, relationships, and lives. So, when you venture into a new business like Rent-to-Rent, which can be demanding, it's easy to get pulled in all directions if you don't set things up correctly. That's why getting the initial setup right is absolutely crucial.

Watch this video to find out how.